вторник, 5 июля 2011 г.

Why are they bound?

I began drawing the faces of my reality with this two people (Nadine and Zut), which is against chronology, any common sense and sense of impact.
Thinking of reasons I might say that this people are the most "today" and "hot" in my brain-newsletter. They are the most real urgent issues while others fade in some mist.
Which is pretty mean.

Also...The more I think about all my mates the more they get all paired together in my head sharing some similarities I find...Maybe it's really because I do think too much.
But how can you blame me? I have nothing better to do.
So Zut and Nadine are, indeed, bound together in my head. Not because they're a couple which they are not. No. There other things I see and hope someone else would find kinda fun.
This is what I see:
1) They're both Beautiful.
Ha! Wanna say this is too pop music alike? "Go away, girl, we've had enough of this, bring us ugly ducklings"?
Just let me finish.
I don't mean the appearance which I find very tempting for both, but the way they act.
You can exactly say when the person knows he\has IT. The charm, some magic, inspiration, power over others - whatever, you can feel it, it's in the air. THEY KNOW WHO THEY ARE. and they use it.

2) There's something dirty in their past, present and future which they hold secret and still in a wicked way admire. Something inside their minds which is only known to themselves, something not very high and pretty...They're their sins which make them so charming.

3) The Back-turning point/ "whatever" edge. It's about the right to finish the conversation whenever they want saying "yeah whatever bye" and leave. Without thinking what you might feel about it. It's also about never answering to some of your questions or just being silent for a whole day 'cause they're just not in the mood for you.

4) They are the ones you do something for. They let you do that. They appreciate this, and yet they WAIT for this, they wait for you to suggest, to help, to clear something up, and you sure do this under their precious attention pressure yet they're never obliged to do something for you. Their attention is your payment. And they sure make you doubt if you deserve that attention or not.
5) Relationship stories. Keeping this tiny little sins a secret they build a huge manor of a broken-hearted character for themselves. At private parties they would on occasion reveal some hidden aches of their hearts, knowing for sure that no one around can ever be more broken hearted and beautiful in that love-posessed body, than they are. A greatest pleasure indeed to tell all the audience how many times have they been admired and worshiped, which vows were made and how things once turned black. Love is all around.

6) The last, and the most selfish point - their attitude towards me.
I dare say they both had made me their background. I think this way because we are good while I keep listening to them, being funny and more like non-existent character. When I don't reveal any feelings or desires which any normal human being possesses - they seem to like me. But when something clouds my view, when I dare to show resentment or fear or sadness - they try to keep face and knock me off like a flea from their cloth simultaneously.

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